What is a Press Release? A press release is basically a formal "announcement" of something newsworthy. Of course, for our purposes this would be something regarding you, your career, or your chiropractic practice. A press release is then issued to various local media outlets (mainly newspapers) in hopes of the publication running a story or otherwise using the information to give you and your chiropractic practice some free publicity. In the past press releases were mainly used as described above. Now the internet has changed how we communicate and use information, and the world of the Chiropractic Press Release is no different! Press releases are now submitted and published online via many sources. A well written, and well executed Chiropractic press release marketing campaign can boost your chiropractic practice's internet search ranking and help ensure your practice is seen and noticed by local patients searching for chiropractic services in your area.
What other services do you offer? We offer many services aside from our chiropractic press release services. We offer Chiropractic social media marketing setup and and account management services. We can do something as basic as setup your twitter account and design a custom profile layout, or we can completely manage the entire account for you. For a reasonable fee we can compose the tweets and messages, send frequent updates, and manage all aspects of the account while you do nothing but monitor and provide your approval and feedback!
We also offer chiropractic logo design and creation, chiropractic website design, chiropractic article writing and submission services, consultation and advice, chiropractic email marketing services, chiropractic WordPress blog creation and management, chiropractic article rewriting and proofreading services and much much more!
We've done something as small as offering advice to fully managing a chiropractic practice's entire internet marketing campaign for a reasonable monthly fee.
I don't see what I want in your store...how much would ______ cost? Due to the nature of the services we provide it's impossible to create a product listing for everything we do. We're working on adding what services we can to a listing and adding them to the store, but it's often very difficult. No two Chiropractors have the same marketing needs. Each and every service is unique and often requires us to provide an individual quote. One thing is for certain, you won't find more personal service or more affordable rates!
If you don't see what you need just ask. Contact us at [email protected] and we'll get back to you with a reply and email quote as soon as possible. No high pressure sales pitches, no annoying phone calls!
Do you beat estimates or price match?
Do you beat estimates or price match? Of course! We will meet or beat a written estimate for an identical service or service comparable to what we provide. We generally provide much more, for much less, than any of our colleagues so this usually isn't even an issue.
I'm a new D.C. or a practice on a tight budget. Can you help me? We specialize in affordable Chiropractic internet marketing and promotion. So don't be shy! Simply contact us at [email protected] and let us know what you need and what your target marketing budget is. Sometimes we can't make it happen, but many times we offer a solution better than originally anticipated.
I own "Such and Such Chiropractic Product Company" will you write our press release, manage our social media marketing, write our article etc.? Absolutely! Due to our low prices, the fact that work is done by a practicing Chiropractor, and our attention to detail, many companies in the chiropractic industry are interested in our services. Whether you are looking for affordable rates to help manage your bottom line, or you simply need a knowledgeable Chiropractor trained in creative and technical writing to do the work for you; WE CAN HELP! We've done work with Chiropractic table companies, cold laser equipment manufacturers, spinal decompression equipment companies, healthcare related charities and much more. We've even worked out bartering transactions where we've exchanged our services for other services, our chiropractic products. Contact us with your needs and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I'm not a Chiropractor, I'm a: ___ (MD, Dentist, Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Accountant etc.) Can you still help me? Absolutely! Although we specialize in Chiropractic internet and social media marketing, we are happy to assist all professionals assuming you are offering a legal and ethical product or service!